Monday, 10 October 2022, 8:31 am
Press Release: Restore Rail
Three people have climbed a gantry above a Wellington Urban Motorway near Bowen St with a large banner: Restore Passenger Rail. They say the decision to disrupt traffic was not taken lightly, and indicates the urgency of the issue.
“We told the Government that we would begin civil resistance if they did not agree to Restore Passenger Rail. Affordable and accessible passenger rail will help bring people together. It’s the right thing to do in the middle of a climate emergency.”
Says spokesperson James Cockle.
The three Restore Passenger Rail supporters are peacefully occupying the gantry above the motorway to start off a series of disruptions to highlight the need for an affordable nationwide train network. Supporters also held demonstrations in Whakatū, Tāmaki Makaurau and Ōtepoti.
“The cost of living crisis is hitting some communities hard, and we don’t think anyone should be isolated from their friends or family just because they cannot afford a car or petrol.” Says Cockle.
Restore Passenger Rail supporters delivered their demand to Government on the 27th September, to restore the network of passenger rail around the country to what it was in the year 2000.
“We need the government to do the right thing, for people and for the climate. The tracks are already there. If they do not make the logical decision to restore passenger rail, we will continue to create disruption.”
For images and video:
Map showing our demand:
Supporting fact: Since 2010 New Zealanders have spent over $1.8 billion on the Waikato Expressway. By comparison consultants last year estimated it would cost $1.5 billion to electrify the North Island main trunk and Wairarapa line to Masterton, the east coast main trunk to Tauranga, and buy new electric trains for them.
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